John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame
The burial site for John F. Kennedy, and Robert F. Kennedy, otherwise known as, ‘The Eternal Flame’, was the first structural project for Blackwell as he supported the stone mason, concrete and gas contractors: Blackwell developed the core simple principle for the concept. With the untimely need for Robert’s burial, the question was how do you keep the flame eternal? Run new gas lines? No, too costly and complicated and time was of the essence. Blackwell provided the simplest design, and we look forward to meeting you in person and telling you the story and solution.
National World War II Memorial
The majestic design inclusion of lights and pools of the memorial required extensive shoring for the chambers, which lead to our being called, and of course without hesitation, we said yes and brought our years of experience to the task at hand.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Blackwell was tasked and honored with the responsibility to survey and stakeout services of the memorial. Needless to say location and proper alignment with the Washington and Lincoln Monuments was critical. As directed, on that venerable day, by the renowned architect, Maya Lin, Blackwell setup control points, survey equipment and locked in as directed–as they say the rest is history.
Ronald Reagan National Airport
The necessary expansion of the runway involved venturing into the Potomac River, given the major transportation thoroughfares and structures surrounding the airport. Blackwell was brought in to provide the geotechnical, transportation and structural expertise starting at the stabilizing foundation at base of the Potomac River and up to the runway.

Ronald Reagan Building
It was with delight that Blackwell was granted the responsibility of surveying the mammoth complex, not only due to the size but the location and history. The survey control and layout was challenging, the history surrounding the Ronald Reagan complex is fun to convey in person and we look forward to providing details of the story.